Integration Workflow to Accounts Receivable and General Ledger

1.Create a basic Job and add a Service and/or Item.

2.Post the Invoice.

3.Run Service Manager Day End Processing.

4.The Day End Process will create a Revenue batch in Accounts Receivable and a Cost batch in the General Ledger.

5.Go to Accounts Receivable » Batch Listing to view the Revenue batch just created.

6.Post the Invoice Batch and/or Cash Receipts Batch as applicable, i.e., Transfers Entries to G/L.

7.Print the Accounts Receivable Posting Journal Batch.

8.You can use the Drill To icon at any time to drill to a Service Manager Invoice from within the Accounts Receivable Invoice Batch.

9.Go to the General Ledger Batch List. There will be a Service Manager Cost Batch and an Accounts Receivable Revenue Batch.

10.Open the Accounts Receivable Batch to view the General Ledger Revenue Posting Journals.

11.Open the Service Manager Batch to view the General Ledger Cost Posting Journals.

12.Print and Post both Batches.

13.If you go to the General Ledger Account Activities/Transaction History icon and select an account, you will be able to drill to the original Service Manager invoice from that transaction.

14.If you go to Inventory Control » I/C Statistics and Inquiries » Transaction History Inquiry, you can select an Item, view its history, and if you double-click the record (if the item was sold through Service Manager), you are able to drill to the original Service Manager invoice from that transaction.