Employees can perform an advanced search for Documents, Equipment and Sites using the Search Screens. The Employee can specify detailed search criteria to find a particular Document, Site or Equipment or even display a list of similar items matching the criteria.

The Find Document, Find Site and Find Equipment screens can be accessed from the Main Menu.

Click Find.

The Find drop-down list will be displayed.

Select Document, Site or Equipment as required.

Find Document

The Search for Documents window will be displayed.

Enter the required search criteria and then click the Find icon on the right of the screen. All Documents that match the search criteria will list at the bottom of the screen.

Find Site

The Search for Sites window will be displayed.

Enter the required search criteria and then click the Find icon on the right of the screen. All Sites that match the search criteria will list at the bottom of the screen.

Find Equipment

The Search for Equipment window will be displayed.

Enter the required search criteria and then click the Find icon on the right of the screen. All Equipment that matches the search criteria will list at the bottom of the screen.