The Service Manager security settings for the Security Groups assigned to individual Field Portal Users are listed in the table below. Please note this is not the security requirement for the Sage 300 User Account set in the Field Portal Configuration Utility.


Security Setting


Able to log in

(No special requirements)

Employee must be Active and Field Portal access enabled

Access Schedule
(Time Entries) 

Resources – Use Time Entry Grid

This is slightly different to Field Portal online where you had to have this setting to be able to log in, and there was no way to hide Time Entry features.

View Job Details
(use job list) 

Document Entry - Allow

This is different to Field Portal online where the Tree/Doc Entry view was separate to the simplified Job Detail screen.

Create Job

Copy Documents - Allow


Edit Job Details

Document Entry - Job Entry 


Add/Edit Phase, Billing
and Equipment lines

Document Entry - Billing Entry


Add/Edit Item lines

Document Entry - Item Line Entry


Change Item Location

Document Entry - Change Item Location

Also enforced in Time Entry Billing screen

Change Item Category

Document Entry - Allow Item
Category Change

Also enforced in Time Entry Billing screen

Add/Edit Service lines

Document Entry - Service Line Entry


Edit of others Notations

Notations - 
Allow Edit of ALL Notations 


Can override price

Document Entry - Allow Unit Price override


Can see cost

Document Entry - Show cost


Price list change 

Document Entry - Allow Price list change


See/Edit Secure Custom Fields

Custom Fields - Allow edit of Secured Fields