To install Field Portal App on the Windows 10 PC or laptop first unzip the downloaded file and then perform the following steps:
1.Right click certificate (.cer) and select Install Certificate
2.Select Local Machine in first dialog
3.Select Trusted People store
4.Confirm on last screen
1.Double click on Microsoft.Net.CoreRuntime.2.2.appx
1. Double click on Microsoft.Net.CoreFramework.Debug.2.2.appx
1.Double click on FieldPortalApp.appxbundle
For later upgrades to Field Portal App only step 4 is required to be performed.
To enable access to locally installed server (e.g. demo/test pc)
Open Command Prompt in Admin Mode and run the following command (copy and paste):
checknetisolation loopbackexempt -a -n=f736c883-f105-4d30-a719-4bf328872f5e_avs2hq2pz6936
Once Field Portal App has been installed then open the App and perform the following steps:
•Configure the Server URL