You can use the Service Manager User Guide to communicate with Technisoft. The Service Manager User Guide also includes a list of other ways to communicate with Technisoft. It is Technisoft's policy not to accept information from third parties that is confidential or proprietary.

If you don't want to lose the confidentiality in your material, then email it or send it to Technisoft. Anything you disclose to Technisoft may be used and disclosed by Technisoft without restriction. You agree that Technisoft can do anything it wants with anything you submit via the Service Manager User Guide or send to Technisoft in any way, without any payment or acknowledgment to you. For example, Technisoft can reproduce it, disclose it, use it in or to develop Technisoft products and marketing strategies, transmit it, publish it, broadcast it and put it on any Technisoft website. This applies even if you mark your information confidential or proprietary or include in your communication statements contrary to the terms of this agreement.