The File Menu contains options available in a traditional pull down menu style. These options can also be activated directly by choosing one of the many desktop toolbar icons or using shortcut controls.  Options include; New Job, Open Existing Time Entries, Open Fault Analyzer and Printing options.

The Edit Menu provides functions similar to when the User right clicks on an a selected Appointment.  Options include; Copy, Add/Edit and Delete Appointments, start a Recording, view appointment in an alternative pivot view, site history, and more.

The View menu determines default options to display on screen including; pivot view, Appointment Coloring, Navigation Pane display options and Other Windows.

Note: The “Other Windows” menu options lists all flyouts and filters available.  If a flyout or filter has been accidentally closed, use the “Other Windows” option to get the flyout or filter back on screen.

The Tools Menu is where all default settings are kept. These options are user specific.  Tools include the Options Application, Snap features, Reset Interface, Appointment Summary which provides job statistics across the system and Password Encryptor.

The Help Menu provides information about the Advanced Scheduling program license in use and file locations provides the path to where various files are stored.