Synchronizing Time Entries to Microsoft Outlook



Synchronize Outlook allows you to transfer Service Manager data to Microsoft Outlook. This is an ideal way of informing your engineers of the Jobs that they have been assigned for the day or upcoming week, for example. Email messages, tasks and calendar appointments can be created in Microsoft Outlook with data sourced primarily from Service Manager time entries. A template is provided that allows you to customize the message sent to the Employee.

Starting the Synchronize Outlook Program

Click the Synchronize Outlook desktop icon.

The Synchronize Time Entries to Microsoft Outlook window will be displayed.

Click to expand image

Selecting Time Entries to Transfer

Set the Email Mode, Include Time Entry As and Sync Range fields as required.

Email Mode

Include Time Entry As

Employee Name

All Active Employees will be listed. Select the Employee(s) to transfer Time Entries for.

Click Go .

All Time Entries for the Sync Range for the selected Employee(s) will be listed. Note that the results are cumulative.

Tick the entries to transfer to Outlook.

To clear the search results, click the Clear icon on the toolbar.

As with most Service Manager modules, it is possible to Include, Exclude and reorder columns. To do this, select Tools » Options.

Formatting the Message

Format the message as required before transferring it to Outlook. A full range of database fields can be added to the message.

Click the Layout icon on the toolbar. The Email / Task / Appointment Layout window will be displayed.

Click to expand image

Drag and drop fields from the right-hand pane.

The top portion of the field list contains field "groups". The bottom portion of the field list contains individual fields.

Field Groups

Field groups contain multiple fields and/or records.

You can modify the content of the following field groups:

Equipment Details

Billing Items

Billing Services

To do this, click the relevant toolbar icon - Equipment, Items or Services.

Equipment Details

Item Details

Service Details

Individual Fields

There are five categories of individual fields available. Click the drop-down list arrow to the right of Document Header and then select the required category.

Any field from any category can be included in the email message.

Once the fields and text are in place, click the Save icon on the toolbar to save this layout as a template to be reused as required.

Transferring the Messages to Outlook

Once you have selected the data you require and formatted the message, specify the type of synchronization required. The options are Email, Task or Appointment.


A Confirmation message will be displayed.

Click [OK] to continue.

This is the resulting email message as generated by the Synchronize Outlook program.


A Warning message will be displayed.

Click [Yes] to continue.

A Confirmation message will be displayed.

Click [OK] to continue.

This is an extract from the Tasks that have been synchronized into an Outlook Tasks list.

Outlook Task View

This is the resulting task as viewed by double-clicking on the actual task from the list above.

Click to expand image

Calendar Appointment

A Warning message will be displayed.

Click [Yes] to continue.

A Confirmation message will be displayed.

Click [OK] to continue.

This is the resulting entry in the Outlook Calendar as generated by the Synchronize Outlook program.

Click to expand image

As can be seen from these examples, the Synchronize Outlook interface is quite efficient in transferring information and integrating with Microsoft Outlook.