This function works in conjunction with Mobile Report features in VMmobile R3.  Ensure the VMmobile R3 Service config file has the "emailreport" setting added under the networkmanager section.  Refer to the Server Installation section of VM MobileR3 Installation Guide for more details.

The following settings below must be added to the appSettings section of web.config in VMEP

To enable Mobile Reports add this:

<add key="MobileReport" value="true"/>

To specify another user than the default admin, admin use this setting:

<add key="MobileReportUser" value="user"/>

<add key="MobileReportPassword" value="password"/>

To specify email settings use these options. @newline can be used in the body to insert lineshift. @TXDOCID is use to insert the job number.

<add key="MobileReportFromEmail" value=""/>

<add key="MobileReportSubject" value="Jobcard report @TXDOCID"/>

<add key="MobileReportBody" value="Body text @newline @newline More Text"/>

To minimize risk of security breach, a token can be set. The exact same token has to be set in the VMmobile R3 service.

<add key="MobileReportToken" value="ZX81"/>


To configure email service in Microsoft .net, the following has to be added after the closing tag of appSettings. It need to point to the local SMTP server and depending on local settings might need more information provided. Consult Microsoft documentation.




        <network host="server"/>


