To use the Service Manager Purchase Orders Add-On, you must purchase the product and then register it.

Product registration is usually the responsibility of your Sage 300 Solution Provider, but you can register product directly if you wish. Simply complete the Product Registration form at

A fully activated license file will be forwarded to you, normally within 24 hours of registering your product. Once the license file has been received it only needs to be copied to your Sage 300 Shared Data Directory as it is already activated.

The Sage 300 Shared Data Directory is usually located at:

<X>:\Program files\Sage300\


<X>:\Program Files\Sage300\ is the Sage 300 Shared Data Directory
<X> is the drive letter of the installation


Service Manager Purchase Orders Add-On functionality will only be available if the product has been registered and activated.

For the Service Manager Purchase Orders Add-On to operate, the Sage 300 Purchase Orders module must be installed and functioning correctly.