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The Outstanding Entries Report is designed to print Services or Items that are outstanding or on backorder, respectively.


Report On - Options include Services or Items

Select Services to print a report indicating documents with services outstanding.

Select Items to print a report indicating documents with items on back order.

Document Type - Use the drop-down menu to select a document type. Available options are: Job, Sale, Quote, Template, Meter Agreement, Site Agreement, Warranty Agreement, Historic Job or Recurring Job.

From Document - Specify a Document range to be printed or use the default zzzzzz to specify all.

From Date - Specify a Date Range to limit documents printed to the specific date range specified.

Service Center - Tick this check box to limit documents printed to the Service Center specified or leave blank to include all Service Centers.

Show Outstanding Entries Only - This check box is ticked by default, and reports will display outstanding or back order entries only. If this check box is cleared, reports will display a list of all items and services regardless of their back order status. Quantities displayed include Supplied, Estimated, Posted and Backorder quantities.


This report can take some time to produce if the database is large as all services and items on all documents are scanned.