Serialized Inventory does not have to be Sold or On Order to be used in Service Manager.

In fact, Serialized Inventory Serial Numbers can be worked on in a Job in Service Manager regardless of their status.

To create a Job for a Serialized Inventory Item, first start a new Job in Document Entry.

Insert a Phase and then click the Equipment fast icon to insert an Equipment record.

Next, in the Equipment Type field, select the drop-down and choose Serialized. You will then be presented with two fields - Item and Serial Number. You can either enter an Item and then use the Finder on the Serial Number field to find the appropriate Serialized Item to be worked on, or alternatively, type in the Serial Number or scan it in to find it quickly.

Click the Reported Problem tab to enter a reported problem and/or symptom for this Item.

Services or Items can be added to the Equipment Node as per normal.

When the Document is saved, a History Record is inserted into the Serialized Inventory Tables, indicating that this Serial Number was put onto a Job in Service Manager. The Job Number is stored with the History Record.

It is important to also note that if Equipment is inserted onto a Job, and that Equipment was originally generated from a Serialized Inventory record, an audit record indicating the Job Number, will also be inserted into the Serialized Inventory Tables against the Serial Number when the Document is saved.