



Enable Request

This shows or hides the Document Request feature from the user/contact.

Enable File Upload for Requests

Enables the user to attach pictures or attachments like documents as a notation.

File Path Class Type for Upload

The notations folder path Class Type. This has to be set up in Service Manager. Please see the Service Manager User Guide > Setup Programs > V/M General > Class Types.

File Extension for Upload

Declare the type or files that can be uploaded. Separate file extensions with a semicolon (;).



Enable Quotes

Enables the Quotes tab where Quotes will be displayed for Sites to which the Administrator has been provided access.

Status Code for Quotes

If populated, only quotes with the status code/s specified will display for the user. Leave blank to show all.

Override Quotes Form

If you want a special RPT used when Quotes are printed (as PDF) in the portal use this field with the new filed name. The file needs to be located in same folder as the original quote file.

Enable Quotes Approval

Enables the Approve button in the Quote screen. Approval will update the Document Header Customer Portal Option to 'Approved in CP'

On Approval, change Status Code to

If the Customer approves a Quote the Document status will be updated to the Status Code specified here.

Leave blank to show all.



Show Completed Task Activities Only

Activities for Tasks will only display in the Activities window if they have been marked as Completed.

Enable Display of Public Notations

Select Read Only to enable the Notes Tab where Contacts have the ability to view Public Notations against Site, Document and Equipment records regardless of whether the Contact is set up as an Administrator, General or Restricted User.

Select Read Only with Attachments to include a link to view the notation attachment.

Select Disabled if the Contact should not see any public notations in the Technisoft Cloud Portal.

Show Scheduled Appointments

Allows users to view Time Entry Estimate information (i.e. Appointments) within a tab on the Document Details page.

Disabled - do not show Appointments tab/grid.

Show - show the Appointments tab with only two available columns in the grid (Employee Name and Estimated Start Date).

Show with Estimate Duration - show the Appointments tab with only four available columns in the grid

Show Revenue Totals

Shows the customer billing information totals on the Billing tab of the Document Details. Actual cost will not be shown.



Enable Printing of Invoice

Enables the link in the invoices list so the customer can view and print their invoices. Please note that an appropriate invoice form should be created and specified as default print settings have all printing inclusions enabled (Agreement Equipment, Time Entry Details, Meter Details, Faults etc)  

Override Default Invoice Form

If you want a special RPT used when Invoices are printed (as PDF) in the portal use this field with the new file name. The file needs to be located in same folder as the original invoice.



Enable Equipment Cost and Fault Analysis

Enables the Analysis tab where Equipment related information including historic costs and fault registration can be displayed and analyzed, for example, in Excel Pivot Tables

Enable Meter Readings

Enables the Meters tab where meter readings can be taken.