Your service company controls who will be able to access its Customer Web Portal and defines the security rights of each user.

Your service company or system administrator will provide you with instructions on how to access the service company Customer Web Portal through the Technisoft Cloud Portal. In a typical scenario, a service company will provide a direct link or request you use a link on the service company website which will direct you to the Login page of the Cloud Portal.

To register as a user of the Technisoft Cloud Portal, which will provide you with Customer Portal functionality, select the Register link on the Login screen.

Complete the form to create a new user account and then select Register.

A message will display on screen confirming your registration was successful and that your account is awaiting approval by the Administrator.

An verification email will be delivered to the email address used to register the account to verify your email.

Once the Service Company confirms your registration the next time you log into the Cloud Portal you will have Customer Portal functionality enabled.

Note: Customer Portal users are set up by the service company in the Service Manager desktop product and account registration is approved through the Cloud Portal.