All Requests have a Request State. The Request State may be set by the customer or by service company personnel. It may also be set automatically by the Service Manager program at the service company.

Request State


Allowable Actions


This Request State is set automatically when Creating or Reactivating a Request.

It indicates that the service company has not yet created a Service Manager Job from the Request.

A Pending Request may be held, canceled or deleted.

A Pending Request cannot be reactivated.


This Request State is set automatically when Holding a Request.


Only Pending Requests can be Held.

A Held Request may be canceled, reactivated or deleted.


A reactivated Request will be set to Pending.


This Request State is set automatically when Canceling a Request.

Only Pending or Held Requests can be Canceled. You cannot cancel a Job In Progress Request.

Service Manager will set the Request State to Canceled if the associated Job is deleted.

A Canceled Request may be reactivated or deleted.


A reactivated Request will be set to Pending.

Document In Progress

This Request State is set automatically when the service company creates a Service Manager Job from the Request.

The Request State of a Document In Progress Request cannot be changed manually.

Service Manager will however set the Request State to Canceled if the associated Job is deleted, or to Document Completed if the associated Job is Completed.

Document Completed

This Request State is set automatically when the service company completes the Job associated with the Request.

A Job Completed Request may be closed.

Request Closed

This Request State is set automatically when Closing a Request.

A closed Request can be deleted by the Service Company.