Advanced Scheduling (AS) will work with Terminal Services (TS) but it will suffer from performance issues if there is more than one concurrent user of AS at any one time. Therefore, AS is not certified by Technisoft for use with TS with more than one concurrent user.
The reason for this is that AS is written using the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 which uses Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation at runtime to convert Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) code to native machine code as the various areas of the system are required.  This impacts the way TS shares application memory and causes problems as explained in this article and the first half of this 20 minute YouTube video.
Technisoft anticipate that the newly released Microsoft .NET Core 3 framework (released Dec 2019) will go a long way to alleviating this problem in the future.  Core 3 is an open source, cross platform successor to the .NET Framework, and our understanding is that being able to compile application assemblies in the ReadyToRun (R2R) format is going to address some (if not all) of AS’ problems on TS.  The upgrade of AS to Core 3 is scheduled for the first half of the 2022 calendar year.
In the meantime for deployments of AS in a TS environment  the Terminal Server itself must be high-end 64 bit computer with a minimum of 128 GB of RAM and each individual AS user must also be granted a minimum of 16 GB of accessible RAM and must limit the number of other open applications while using AS. 


If Advanced Scheduling is to be run under Terminal Services then Advanced Scheduling must be “Installed as Administrator” through a Windows User Account who is a member of the Local Administrators group.


1.Ensure you are logged in using an Account who is a member of the Local Administrators group

2.Turn off User Account Control (if presently turned on)

3.Open an Admin Command Prompt and run change user /install (to change Terminal Services to Install mode)

4.Run the Advanced Scheduling installer as Administrator

5.Open an Admin Command Prompt and run change user /execute (to change Terminal Services back to Execution mode)

6.Turn on User Account Control (if turned off at step 1)