The Accounting Hierarchy refers to the process that Service Manager uses to find the default General Ledger accounts that will be used in a Document. That is, where and in what order Service Manager looks first to find those General Ledger accounts.

The Hierarchy is as follows:

1.V/M Setup » V/M General » G/L Integration

2.Service/Item detail lines

3.Job Types

4.Document Entry

5.Agreement Contract

For example, Service Manager will look for its default General Ledger accounts in G/L Integration first. If you specify accounts in the Document Service or Item detail lines, these will override the Options accounts with the Detail Line accounts. Next, if you have Job Type Overrides selected, these will override the Detail Line account codes with the Job Type Override Accounts. Finally, if you are using User Specified G/L Accounts, you are able to alter the accounts manually from within the Document.

Agreements can also override the Agreement Coverage account.