Full support for the IC Option to “Cost during Posting” is available. This also includes the ability to post Subledger batches during posting as well.

How to use Cost During Posting

To use this option go to Inventory Control, IC Setup, Options and select the Costing tab and chose Cost Items “During Posting”.

Service Manager will inherit those settings. No other action is required.

Service Manager will cost using the selected Inventory Costing Method in Account Set setup.

To create Sub ledger Batches during Posting select the option to “Create Subledger Transactions and Audit Info. During Posting.

We recommend using the option to “Create Subledger Transactions During Day End Processing” as that will consolidate all transactions being posted during a given period rather than creating separate batches per posting.

Using the “Create Subledger Transactions During Day End Processing” feature is effectively like running a “Mini” Day End when an Invoice, Credit Note or Cost Only transaction is posted.

The important issue to understand using this feature is that the Job and Posting Document (Invoice, Credit Note, Cost Only) is costed immediately the transaction is Posted. Day End does not come back and cost the Job or Document if it is run at a later date as it would if the “Cost Items During Day End Processing” is selected.

This can have ramifications on costing where many Purchase Orders are receipted during a given day causing the average cost of an item to change. i.e. it may therefore be more appropriate to use the default costing method which is “Cost Items During Day End Processing”.

Costing During Posting allows full support for Auto Simply Manufacturing when used with Service Manager.