Document Status

The system allows for an unlimited number of status to be defined by the Administrator and are setup in Company Options > Statuses.

On Company initialization, the system will create five (5) default statuses which can be modified as needed.

The default statuses are:






Document Statuses are each linked to an underlying Document State. The Document States available are:





These states control the overriding state of a document which have a direct impact on processing ability.


Documents can have workflow, user security and document actions controlled by the Document's Status.

Workflow controls the way in which document statuses can be changed. It controls the status's ability to move to the next status and then to the next status and so on.

User Security sets limits on which user can change to a specific status.

User Security combined with Workflow enables the system to control, for example, who can complete a document or move it into a status which allows invoicing.

Document Actions can be configured to set which actions and functions can and cannot be performed when a document is in a certain Status. The Document State, however, will override any Actions which are prohibited by the State of the Status.


More information on Statuses, including Document Status Workflow, User Security and Actions configurations, is available from Company Options > Statuses

Document Priority

Document Priority, located next to Document Status, is used for documentary purposes. The standard is: 1 - highest priority; 5 - lowest priority.

Document Priority can be used as a criterion in the Document Finder.

Select the required Document Priority and then save the document.