The steps required for an upgrade from an installation using the new installer (Version X.X.2.50 and above) are as follows. Consult the relevant sections above for detailed descriptions.

1.Take a copy of existing web.config file (This is a precaution as the installer should leave the file intact during uninstallation and reinstallation)

2.Take a copy of other modified source files like reportdefinitions.xml, aspx pages or CRM integration files.

3.If upgrading core Service Manager at the same time Run Rebuild online tables

4.Run the new installer (no need for uninstalling as the previous version will automatically be uninstalled)

5.Copy back the previous web.config file if it has been replaced with the default one.

6.Run Configuration Utility and confirm core configuration settings are still valid.

7.Deploy the CRM integration files if using CRM Integration, but no need to installing them in CRM unless they have been modified. Check dates in brackets.

8.If upgrading a Default type installation, re apply IIS settings like Authentication and Physical Path user, and optional Upload folder virtual directory.

9.Check configuration of other optional configurations like report printing.

10.Test application in a web browser (not via CRM integration)

11.Re apply custom modification if any, after comparing the changes to the new source files.