The Login page is the default landing page after starting the Application. When the Login Page is loaded:

If the Server URL is not set then the User will be taken to the Config page.

If the Server URL is set Field Portal will confirm that it can reach the server application.

If Field Portal can reach the server it will download settings and list of available companies from server

It will remember the last login and Company and pre-populate those fields.

The Session date will default to the current device date

If the Session date is set to something other than current date, it will save that date and pre-populate Session date with that value for the next Login

The Session date field can be made read only through the Configuration Tool and will then always default to the current device date

Version number is shown

The top Field Portal icon image can be replaced with a customized company logo. This is setup through the Configuration Tool.

Login logic is as follows:

If Field Portal can reach the server it will try to verify the login and password with the server first.

If login and password is OK, it will store them locally for potential future login checks locally.

At the same time the relevant permissions for this user is downloaded and stored locally.

Last step is that relevant company options are downloaded.