Only active Employees can be assigned to Jobs.  The permitted number of Active Employees relates to the Service Manager Employee Packs purchased.

Employees you wish to assign to Jobs and schedule with Appointments can be setup and maintained in the Employees program of Service Manager.  These include Employees who enter Documents and earn Sales Commission.

Advanced Scheduling Add-On Routing features can be enhanced if accurate home address information for Employees is captured.

Personal and processing options relating to Employees including Skills, Security, Service Center and Work Groups, can be defined within the Employee Setup process and can be used to filter information in Advanced Scheduling.

Skills - An Employee can have an unlimited number of skills

Security - What users see and do when they use Service Manager

Service Center - Resources can be assigned to Service Centers if the Service Manager Service Center Add-On Module has been installed

Work Groups - Provide a means to group active Employees together into specific Groups so they may be assigned collectively to a job.