Chart Styling

The chart background, time interval and time entry drag boundary colors can be customized

Show Gantt row guidelines and show current time line can be turned on or off and the colors, highlighting style and line styles can be customized

The row height can be adjusted

There are 3 schemes options for the Gantt display; Classic, Pastel or Project and these selections can be further color customized by double clicking the color in the display window at the bottom of the Chart Styling box.

Confirmation Options

Set the option for auto creating Appointments using Phase Estimates to Yes, No or Ask


Highlighting of related time entries shows the Resources assigned in other phases of a job.  Highlighting can be turned on or off for Job List View

Appointment coloring can be turned on or off when working in Job List View Available Resources Window.

The Actuals default display can be set and line color can be set.

Job List Zoom Option/s

Options to Zoom to Job Span by Phase, Time Entry or Entire span

Select number of days before a warning appears when zooming Job Span

Snap Options

Set the default options to snap Appointments to Seconds, Minutes or Hours.