
The Time Entry's Actual and Estimate default durations and Estimate minimum durations can be set.

Set Appointment's maximum hours before a warning is displayed.

Prohibit Time Entry conflicts box shows either Yes, No or Warn.  

Automatically Insert Time Entry on Assignment box shows either Yes or No.

The options for the Time Entry Conflicts and Inset Time Entry on Assignment are not configurable through Advanced Scheduling as they are for information purposes only.  They can be edited through the Core Service Manager product under V/M Setup > V/M General > Options > Time Tab.

Options to prevent, not prevent or warn on conflicts relating to out of phase boundaries, unused phase resources as well as to show conflicts in the error list or not.

Edit Appointment Window

The options under this section relate to what information should be available on the Edit Appointment window.

Appointment Windowing can be set to one at a time or multiple

Open the Edit Appointment window to either the Job Details, Dispatch, Time Entry or Notations Tab

Ability to change the resource when adding an appointment

Whether the appointment should be Job related by default