It is possible to add extra codes and Custom Fields to Payroll from Time Cards.


Extra Codes

An unlimited number of codes can be setup for entering time for any purpose required. Technicians enter time into the code for it to transfer to Payroll, such as transferring time to internal jobs on a monthly basis for admin time.


Optional Fields

Service Manager creates some default optional fields on transfer to Payroll, but it is possible to create any extra fields by adding them into the VM.ini file found in the Install folder.


Currently, information transferred to Payroll includes Job, Site, Phase and Time Entry/Actual data per entry sent. The Payroll component of the INI file is shown below along with any field number:









To add address information the below text could be appended to the Payroll component of the INI file: 





That would send Site address1, city, zip from the Job and be added to optional fields called VMADD1, VMCITY and VMZIP respectively.


Technisoft can provide a list of views and field indexes on request if required.


It is possible to use any field from;

VMDH (job)

VMSERV (Service Code)

VMEMPL (Employee)

VMREST (time Estimate)

VMRESC (Time Actual)


For example, the below image shows the VMDH table and the index field needed to be used: