
The Service Manager Purchase Orders Add-On is an optional Service Manager product. It enables direct integration of Service Manager with the Sage 300 Purchase Orders module.

Integration to the Sage 300 Purchase Orders module allows you to generate Purchase Order Requisitions or Purchase Orders directly from within Service Manager Jobs, or from the Service Manager desktop using a program called Requisition Manager.

The current status of a Requisition or Purchase Order in Service Manager is always visible in the Document tree and you can drill into the Requisition or Purchase Order at any time to view it in detail.

The Job Status is automatically updated when receipts are processed in Purchase Orders. An automatic email message can be generated to your customer, one of your employees or to "Other" when a receipt has been completed.

A Requisition List provides a summary of Requisitions, Purchase Orders or Receipts in Service Manager. The Sage 300 Purchase Orders module also includes many standard Purchase Order Reports. Custom reports can also be created using Crystal Reports.

A new tree node called V/M Purchasing is added to the desktop when you install the Service Manager Purchase Orders Add-On.

This node contains the following desktop icons:


These provide functionality in addition to that provided directly from within Document Entry.

Although technically termed "Requisitions" in Service Manager, the choice of creating a Requisition or a Purchase Order in the Sage 300 Purchase Orders module is determined by the security level an individual has. If a person has rights to create Purchase Orders then they can either create or add to an existing Requisition or create or add to an existing Purchase Order when transacting in Document Entry. If they do not have security to create Purchase Orders, then they can only create Requisitions.

The Purchase Order function is full multicurrency, converting transactions into the Vendor currency and converting costs to your Home or Functional currency when applying a receipted cost to the Job or Sale Document.

The Service Manager Purchase Orders Add-On increases productivity and efficiency as well as providing audit and accountability for Purchase Orders in the Job workflow cycle.

Note: You cannot create a Purchase Order directly from the Sage 300 Purchase Orders module and push it to a Job in Service Manager. Purchase Orders must be created either in the Document directly or in batch form in the Service Manager Requisition Manager program.

Further Information

If you are an End User and would like more information about this product, please contact your Sage 300 Solution Provider.

If you are a Business Partner and would like more information about this product, please contact Technisoft at