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The purpose of the Aged Documents Report is to provide an Aged listing by period of all outstanding revenue and costs on Jobs or Sales Orders. This can be a useful report to determine the value of outstanding billings, or costs applied to Jobs, or simply to identify if open items exist that may have been overlooked or that require follow-up.


Document Type - Use the drop-down menu to select either Job or Sale.

From Document – Specify a Document range to be printed or use the default zzzzzz to specify all.

From Site – Specify a Site range to be printed or use the default zzzzzz to specify all.

Service Center – Tick this check box to limit documents printed to the Service Center specified or leave blank to include all Service Centers.


Method – Select a Method to filter results. Available options are listed below.

To Supply - Lists only those items or services left to supply, i.e., the difference between the posted and the estimate quantities.

On Supply – Lists only those items or services actually on supply, i.e., ready for posting.

Both To Supply and On Supply – Lists all items or services on the document.

Age As/Periods – Specify a date to age from, and aging periods required. Data will be sorted according to the age periods specified. Data falling out of range will be displayed in the last age period specified together with data for that period. Defaults are set in Company Options » Defaults tab, but can be changed manually to suit.

Print in Contact Information – Tick this check box to print additional contact information on the report.

Print Costs and G.P. – Tick this check box to also print cost and gross profit detail in addition to revenue values. This option has the propensity to increase the size of the report by adding additional rows of detail for cost and gross profit respectively.