Core Email Settings must be configured. Optional Email settings if desired.

Core Email Settings




Required to enable email features.


Default to port 25 which is default for SMTP


Required if mail server requires SSL connection. In most cases the port number needs to change to

SMTP Login

Optional login to SMTP server

SMTP Password

Optional password for SMTP server

From Address

Required if using SMTP. It is the email address that every email will have as its from address.

Optional Email Settings



Registration Email

This an internal email address that will receive an email when somebody registers in the portal.

BCC All Emails

This is an internal email address that can be used to store a copy of all email sent by the system

Override Email Address

This can be used temporarily during setup/testing to confirm email functionality. If filled in Cloud Portal will send all emails to this address instead of the normal destination.

Customizing Email Templates

The templates used for email notifications are located in the installation folder > website > email

Simpler emails related to the user account, such as password reset has limited dynamic content but can be tailored for each company with static content.


To customize an email template first create a copy of the default email template and rename the copy with _custom at the end.


Edit the Custom email as desired.


If the Custom email template should only apply to one specific company then copy the default email template and rename the copy with _[databaseID] at the end.

It is possible to apply a specific status change email notification for a specific company by copying the default email template and rename the copy with _[status code]_[databaseID]

For example if Active status is 1 and database ID was SI68A then the custom Status Change email template would be named jobalertstatuschange_1_SI68A.txt


Please contact Technisoft for specific custom email template requests.