Requests have an Action indicator which will be one of the following:

Blank, signifying that the request does not require attention by either party. The Action indicator can only be cleared by the service company in the Service Manager Request Manager program.

(green) Attention Service Manager This indicator is used to inform the service company that the Request requires their attention.

(red) Attention Customer This indicator is used to inform the Customer Web Portal user that the Request requires their attention. It is important that you attend to these Requests.

How Action indicators are set

1.Create a Request

When you create a Request, the Action indicator on the Request will change to Attention Service Manager.

An email message will be sent to the service company notifying them that a new Request has been created.

2.The service company processes the Request

The Customer Web Portal has a "chat" facility that enables communication between the service company and the customer. The service company may send a chat message to you to request further information,

For example. In this case, the Action indicator on the Request will be set to Attention Customer. The service company may also send you an email message to confirm the receipt of the Request or action taken.

3.Send a chat message to the service company

You may send a chat message to the service company at any time. When you do, the Action indicator on the Request will change to Attention Service Manager. An email message will be sent to the service company notifying them that the customer has sent a chat message.


You should be aware that the service company has full control of the Request. They may clear the Action indicator if the Request does not require attention by either party. They may set the Action indicator to Attention Customer at any time to bring something to your attention. They may change the Request State or any other attribute of the Request. This will all be reflected when you next view the Request.