There are two coloring options within Advanced Scheduling Add-On. Non Job Related and Job Related.

All Non-Job Related time entries will be displayed with the same coloring.

The Job Related Coloring Options are broken down into the following categories:

Agreement Plan




Job Type



Service Center





The Options application contains an Appointment Coloring tab where custom colors can be designated or defaults can be restored for both Non-Job Related and all Job Related appointments.  To allow custom color changes a network shared resource settings file must be selected to ensure the custom colors are displayed consistently on all systems throughout the organization (if applicable).

Changing the Color By category will display the Job Related time entries with the coloring changed as determined by that specific category.  The Non-Job related entries will not change their color.  Choosing None within this menu will make all Job Related time entries the same color.

Job Related Coloring options can be selected three (3) ways

1. Through the Menu Bar by selecting View > Color By

2. Through the Appointment Coloring Flyout

3. Through the artist palate icon on the bottom of the Advanced Scheduling screen