All active resources are loaded on opening of Advanced Scheduling Add-On by default and the Resource Filter displays all these resources grouped by Employees, Equipment and Contractors.


The Resource Filter contains the following columns:

View - Contains the checkbox and Resource type icon

ID - Employee, Equipment or Contractor ID

Title - Name of Resource

Service Center - If the Resource has been assigned to a Service Center this will be displayed in the Service Center Column.  If the Resource is locked to that Service Center a padlock icon will appear next to the Service Center code.

The columns within the Resource Filter are not configurable.


The toolbar at the top of the Resource Filter Window contains:

View Calendar with No Grouping (only available in Calendar View)

View Calendar Grouped by Resources with Appointments Only (only available in Calendar View)

View Calendar with All Resources (only available in Calendar View)

Find Resources

Toggle Employee Selection

Toggle Contractor Selection

Toggle Internal Equipment Selection

Select All


Right clicking within the Resource Filter window opens a menu which gives the user options to:

Select - Options to tick All, All Except, All Above, All Below, Only and None.

Open - Brings up the V/M Employees, V/M Equipment or V/M Contractor window for the highlighted resource.

Custom Fields - If Custom Fields are being used for the Resource then the View Custom Fields window will open.

Show in Calendar - When in Calendar Day View this option will automatically scroll to make the Resource appear first on display