If upgrading an existing installation installed with old installer (versions before X.X.2.50) follow these steps:

1.Confirm that the installation environment still satisfies the limitations described at the start of this guide.

2.Take a copy of existing web.config file.

3.Take a copy of other modified source files like reportdefinitions.xml, aspx pages or CRM integration files.

4.If upgrading core Service Manager at same time Run Rebuild online tables

5.Uninstall existing Employee Portal.

6.Remove VMEP virtual directory and Application pool in IIS Manager.

7.Follow normal installation process as described above

8.Replace previous web.config file before running Configuration utility to keep existing configuration.

9.Deploy the CRM integration files if using CRM Integration, but no need to install them in CRM unless they have been modified. Check dates in brackets.

10.Check configuration of other optional configurations like report printing.

11.Re-apply custom modification if any, after comparing the changes to the new source files.

Consider using the Advanced installer type and select VMEP as the virtual directory name to conserve existing URL.