Once you have set up Site Locations, you can then assign Site Contacts to a specific Location at the Site. Assigning a Contact to a Location is not mandatory and the Location fields may be left blank.

Site Location setup for Site Contacts is available from the Sage 300 desktop as follows:

» »


Site Locations are set up in the Profile tab.

Related Topics

Refer to the following section in the Service Manager User Guide for additional information:

Setup Programs » V/M Sites » Site Contacts


In the example below, Rosie Mason is located in the Emergency Department in Room # 2B on Floor Level 1 of Block A.

Note that the Site Location field labels - Building, Department, Floor Level, Room # and their values - are Site specific, having been defined in Site Profile.


Selecting the Building drop-down list reveals the Primary Location 1 Areas previously created when setting up Site Locations.

Select a Building Location to describe where the Contact is located.


Selecting the Department drop-down list reveals the Primary Location 2 Areas previously created when setting up Site Locations.

Select a Department Location to describe where the Contact is located.

Floor Level / Room #

Type the Floor Level number where the Contact is located at Primary Location 1.

Type the Room # where the Contact is located at Primary Location 2.