Item pricing by weight is explained in detail in the Sage 300 Order Entry and Inventory Control Online Documentation.

Item pricing can be set up by weight as follows: $100.00 per Pound (lb).

However, the default Item Unit Weight is 1.5 Kg.

When put on an OE Order, you get a default such as:

Weight conversions are as follows:

The Price for one Unit is (Unit Weight x Weight Conversion Factor) x Unit Price

i.e., (1.5000 * 2.204586) * $100.00 = $330.69

In Service Manager we do not have the middle tier of the Pricing Unit Price ($100.00). We only have a Unit price per stock unit (Ea.) and therefore show and allow edit of the $330.69.

The Weights are also on the Miscellaneous tab and are editable.

The calculation is still the same.

Going back to Order Entry again, if we change the Weight unit of measure (UOM) to Ounce on the line and ship a Dozen, we get the following:

The Price for one Unit (12 Units per Dozen) is (Unit Weight x Weight Conversion Factor) / 12 x Unit Price

i.e., (633.60 * 0.062500)/12 * $100.00 = $330.00

The Price for one Dozen is Unit Price x 12

i.e., $330.00 x 12 = $3,960.00