It is possible to associate Manufacturer and/or Customer Item Numbers with Inventory Items. When you enter a Manufacturer or Customer Item Number on an Item line in Document Entry, Service Manager will return the associated Inventory Control Item Number.

You can also use the Manufacturers' Items program to associate Inventory Items with one or more Models. These Items may be relevant to make repairs or simply consumables for a particular Model. In Document Entry, when adding an Item under an Equipment line, you will be able to display all Items that are associated with the Equipment Model. A button to the left of the Item No. field is used to accommodate this feature in Document Entry. It is however only available if you are entering Items under an Equipment record.

Using Manufacturer Item Numbers

Note: If the Manufacturer's Item Number is used to load an Item, the Manufacturer's Item Unit of Measure will be used instead of the Item's Unit of Measure.

Inventory Control » I/C Items and Price Lists » Manufacturers' Items

Associating Manufacturer Item Numbers with Inventory Items

Press Insert to add a Manufacturer Item. Click [Save] to save changes and [Close] to close the window.

In Document Entry, type 1234 in the Item No. field on the Item line.

Service Manager will return Inventory Control Item A1-103/0.

Associating Inventory Items with Models

Press Insert to add a Manufacturer Item. Click [Save] to save changes and [Close] to close the window.

The following shows that Model 000002 has been associated with Item A1-320/0 and Item F2-120/L.

In the example below, we will add an Item under Equipment 000004. This Equipment record has a Model Number of 000002.

Insert a new Item.

Click to display the Manufacturer's Item Number Finder window.

Select the required Item.

Using Customer Item Numbers

Inventory Control » I/C Items and Price Lists » Customer Details

Press Insert to add a Customer Item. Click [Save] to save changes and [Close] to close the window.

In Document Entry, type rheem2000 in the Item No. field on the Item line and then press Tab.

Service Manager will return Inventory Control Item A1-103/0.