A new Job can be created in Field Portal App by clicking on the Menu button and selecting the Create Job option.


Contact - Job Authorization

A field has been added in Service Manager Contact Setup “Allow Request for Job Creation”.
This field is set on by default during an upgrade or new install.
The field governs whether the contact is authorized to request creation of a job during the job creation process.
If this option is checked “off”, the user creating the job will not be permitted to create the job if this contact is not authorized.  This can be useful in circumstances where a job is requested by a contact who is not authorized to do so as they may require a PO beforehand for example.
Once a job has been created, that contact can be applied. This feature serves simply as a warning to the user that the contact requesting the job does not have authority to request work.


Fields available to be edited or viewed in the Create Job Page depend on the Configuration Settings.

Site Related

Select the Site

Select the Site Contact

Enter a Reference - This field will only display If the Site's setting for 'Reference field must be populated' is ticked on in the V/M Sites program > Overrides tab.

Job Related

Select the Job Type

Select the Class description

Modify the Job Description

Switch off the Assign Me option - which will by default, switch off the Create Appointment option

Switch on the No Cover option - which will result in the resultant Job not being covered by any Agreement.

Display the Job Type's default Cost Only option as per the Job Type

Display the Job Type's default Pricelist as per the Job Type

Display the Job Type's default Priority as per the Job Type

Appointment Related

Switch off the Create Appointment option

Modify the Start Date and Time

Modify the Duration

Modify the Stop Date and Time


Once the details of the Job have been updated select the Save button.

The Job will be created with a temporary Job Number starting with NEW, for example NEW0001, NEW0002 etc.

The Job will be allocated a sequential Job Number once a Job sync has occurred.