The Job Related functional pre-requisites include:

Job Types categorize an entire Document in Document Entry.  Document defaults (Status, Priority, Budgeting & Commission flags, Inventory Defaults, Custom Fields, In-house Warranty, Agreement defaults, Comments, Override G/L accounts, Default Phases) can be specified in a Job Type so when a Document is created using a particular Job Type, it inherits defaults from that Job Type.  Response Tracking must be checked on or the Job will not appear in Advanced Scheduling.

Job Phases group Resources, Equipment, Service and Item information within a document.  Each phase can have default Response (Start/End) details specified, which can be used to set the normal starting period and duration of an Appointment.

Documents are maintained by Site. Site address data is geographical in nature. It is possible to create many Sites with the same Customer or Bill To.  It is important for site address details to be accurate and geographically correct so users can take advantage of the Advanced Scheduling Add-On routing features.

For more information on Job Related features please refer to the Service Manager User Guide.