The Document list shows all documents that match the search criteria.

Below the Document list is the Equipment list which shows all Equipment on the document that is currently selected.

Click to expand image

Managing columns in the lists

You can include, exclude and reorder columns in the Document and Equipment lists. Refer Including, excluding and reordering columns.

You can re-size columns by dragging the vertical bar between column headers and sort the record list in descending or ascending order by clicking the relevant column header. These features are also available in Document Entry and generally throughout Service Manager. Changes made to column size are retained when you exit Quick Document Entry.

Printing the Document list

To print the list of Documents, click on the toolbar. The Document Query Listing window will be displayed.

Tick the required options and then click [Print].

Sample Report

Click to expand image

Right-click functions

The right-click functions are replicated on the Edit menu. The toolbar buttons can also be used to select some of these functions.

Document list

Insert New

You can create a new Job, Quotation or Sales Order.


You can edit the document in Quick Document Entry or Document Entry (subject to your security settings).


Clears all fields on the Filters tab.


Runs the search.


The current Document Status is ticked. To change the Status, simply select the new Status.


The current Document Priority is ticked. To change the Priority, simply select the new Priority.

Quick View

Displays the document in tree view, similar to Document Entry.

Double-click any line to display the line in Document Entry.

Equipment list

View Meters

Display the Meters form from which you can manage Meters and Meter Readings for the Equipment.