

Quick Document Entry provides a secure, quick and streamlined method of entering Jobs, Quotations and Sales Orders into Service Manager from a single form. It also provides an effective means of locating documents with a wide range of search criteria provided.

Quick Document Entry is not intended to replace Document Entry which provides more comprehensive data input, detailed line totals, a document-level executive summary including current or original estimates, invoicing functions, and more.

Quick Document Entry is especially useful when an operator is dealing with high volume transactions either on the telephone or at a counter and needs to simply log the document into the system as quickly as possible and then continue on to the next document. Quick Document Entry is the fastest method of entering a document if you are dealing with existing customers with existing equipment.

It is not possible to invoice from Quick Document Entry, but it is possible to log the equipment and its reported problem. You can log a Symptom, Fault and Solution, and apply service charges and/or items. It is also possible to enter Notations and modify Custom Fields as required.

After entering details into Quick Document Entry (remembering that it is only necessary to enter the information you need to capture only), click the Save icon on the toolbar to post that information to a document in Document Entry. To view the document in Document Entry, highlight it in the document list and then select Properties » Edit in Document Entry from the right-click menu or from the Properties drop-down icon on the toolbar.

The Quick Document Entry program can also be used to update/edit existing documents quickly. Simply choose an existing document and add equipment details, notations, services or items as applicable and then click the Save icon on the toolbar to update that document directly.

Quick Links

Security settings used by Quick Document Entry

Searching for documents

Listing documents for a particular Site

Listing documents for a particular Site Contact

Listing documents that contain a particular piece of Equipment

Searching for a document by Document Number

Changing the current Site Agreement

Creating a Customer, Site and/or Equipment

Printing the Document list

Changing Document Status

Changing Document Priority

Displaying a document in tree view, similar to Document Entry

Viewing Equipment Meters

Including, excluding and reordering columns in the Document and Equipment lists

Creating documents in Quick Document Entry

Editing a document in Document Entry

Editing a document in Quick Document Entry

Printing the Work Order for a Job

Security Settings

The following security settings are used by Quick Document Entry:

Resource Management – If this is on then the user will be able to edit assignments, etc.

Document Entry – If this is off then the user will not be able to chain to Document Entry.

Job Entry, Sales Entry, Quotation Entry – These control the document types the user can edit.

Allow Quick Document Entry – If this is off then the Quick Doc. Entry icon will not appear.

Include Jobs not Assigned to User in Quick Doc. Entry – If this is off then the user will only see their own Jobs.

Starting the Quick Document Entry Program

Click the Quick Document Entry desktop icon.

The Quick Document Entry window will be displayed.

Click to expand image

From this window you can search for documents and then open any of those documents in Quick Document Entry or Document Entry. You can also create new Jobs, Quotations or Sales Orders. (This is all subject to your security settings.)


If the Auto Load My Active Jobs on Program Start check box is ticked in View » Options, all active Jobs to which the current user is assigned, will be loaded automatically.