The Sign Off screen is available from the footer of the Job Details screens. It will insert a Job/Document Notation to the selected Job.

If configured it can, as a second step, attach a customer signature to the Notation.

The options available on the Sign Off screen are:

Job Status – A drop down box for setting the status of the Job. The default for this is "No Change", but defaults can be configured on the server. To Complete a job is not allowed within Field Portal.

Sign Off – Either the Entire Document (Header) or one of the phases on the Job.

Contact – A dropdown box listing all Contacts for the Site of the Job.

Name – When a Contact is selected, it will populate the Name field written into the Notation text.

Comments – Any notes that the user or customer would like to add.  

On the footer of the Sign Off screen are options to:

Save (No Signature) - Save changes and return to the Job Details screen

Signature - Open a Signature box where the contact can use a stylus to draw their signature.  Selecting OK saves the Notation and returns to the Job Details screen.