Use the preparation checklist to detail the requirements and prepare the system for installation of the Technisoft Cloud Portal application.





Server OS: Windows Server

2012 or newer

For demo environments Windows 10 is acceptable


MS SQL Server

2012 or newer

As supported by Sage 300


Sage 300 Installed

2018 or newer

Local installation highly recommended for performance reasons


Service Manager Installed

Same as Sage 300 version

Service Manager must be installed, activated and working.

Refer to Update Notice for latest Product Update requirements.


Sage company security enabled


Sage companies exposed must have security enabled in Database Setup

It is highly recommended to change Sage 300 Admin password from default for production environments


License for relevant Service Manager module


Eg. For Customer Portal features, Service Manager License file (VM.LIC) with Customer Portal activated


Enable IIS Features


Refer to IIS Further Information for more details


Enable Application Initialization


Only required if contact notifications are to be sent for actions which occurred while Technisoft Cloud Portal is not in use.

Refer to Application Initialization for more details


.net Core 3.1 Runtime and Hosting Bundle installed


Download from Microsoft


Web browser working and supported


Modern web browsers are supported such as Chrome and Firefox. Internet Explorer is not supported