When worksheets are posted to Jobs in Document Entry, statistics, revenue, costs and profitability of the maintenance tasks in the posted worksheets will be reflected in the Maintenance Calendar program. The Last Run Date for each Maintenance Task in the posted worksheet will also be changed to the system date.

Statistics, revenue, costs and profitability are shown for each period in the calendar and in total for the entire calendar period.

Statistics include:

Days in Period

Standard Work Days in Period

Total Work Hours in Period.

Revenue less Costs, i.e., profitability, and Labor Duration are shown by period.

Graphs are available showing:

Estimated and Actual Duration by month or period

Task Count by month or period

Revenue by month or period

Predicted and Actual Site Count by month or period

Predicted and Actual Equipment Count by month or period.


For performance and data integrity reasons, Statistics, Totals and Status values are only updated when a Maintenance Period is manually Refreshed (either from Maintenance Calendar or Worksheet Manager). Refer Refreshing Maintenance Loading Tables, Statistics, Totals and Status values.