
Use the Worksheet Manager to manage the Worksheets generated for each Maintenance Period. Each Worksheet contains Maintenance Tasks that are due to be carried out in that Maintenance Period.

Worksheets are posted to Jobs. These Jobs and associated Maintenance Tasks can all be managed from Worksheet Manager.

Jobs are listed by Worksheet or Site within a Worksheet. Maintenance Tasks are listed by Site within a Worksheet and can be filtered by Task Status, Job Number, Equipment, Model, Model Group or Due Date, and can be ordered by Site Location or Due Date.

Double-click a Maintenance Job to open it in Document Entry. Double-click a Maintenance Task to open it in Document Entry or use Task Manager to manage the Tasks.

Statistics and Totals are available for each Worksheet and Site within a Worksheet.

The Status of each Worksheet, Job and Task is shown to make it easy to determine what has and has not been processed.

Related Topics

Worksheet Group Setup

Managing Worksheets

Posting Worksheets to Jobs

Tracking the Processing Status of Worksheets and Maintenance Tasks

Viewing Worksheet and Maintenance Task Statistics and Totals

Viewing Maintenance Jobs

Refreshing Statistics, Totals and Status values