Model Components

A Model can consist of one or more Components. Each Component is a Model in itself. This is referred to as a Parent/Master to Child/Component relationship. This relationship is a one level deep Model to Model relationship. i.e., one Model is a Parent and many Models may be Components.


Model Setup » Components tab

Equipment Components

When an Inventory Item is sold and an Item/Model relationship exists for that Item, Equipment is created based on the Model that has the relationship established with the Item. If that Model has Components, Equipment Components will also be created based on the Model Components.

Equipment Components can be added manually and transferred to another Equipment record, even at another Site.


Equipment Setup » Components/Meters tab

Item Components

Using the Build function, Equipment can be built from a Model Parent. If that Model contains Components and Item/Model relationships exist for the Model Parent and all the Model Components, a Billing Group containing the Component Items will automatically be added to the new Equipment record in Document Entry.


Building Equipment and Billing Component Items

Selling Serialized Inventory Items during a "Build" of Equipment