The Calendar Display can be modified significantly to best display appointments by using the Navigation Pane option Load Appointments For:


By default, Appointments are loaded and shown for the date entered on login (Today's Appointments in Day View).


If Show Appointments for Tomorrow is selected in the Navigation Pane, the Day View is displayed in the Calendar by default.

If Week View is selected after choosing Today or Tomorrow in the Navigation Pane, the Monday to Sunday surrounding that Appointment will be displayed in two columns. If Month View is selected then the current month of that Appointment date is displayed.

This Week

The calendar switches to Week View and shows This Week's Appointments displayed from Monday to Sunday in two columns.  Depending on Grouping options there may be one Week View for Each Resource with only their Appointments displaying or one total Week View containing all Appointments for All Resources.

Next Week

The calendar remains in Week View and shows Next Week's Appointments displayed from Monday to Sunday in two columns.  Depending on Grouping options there may be one Week View for Each Resource with only their Appointments displaying or one total Week View containing all Appointments for All Resources.

Selected Calendar

When Selected Calendar is chosen, clicking and dragging over a date range in the Navigation Pane's visible months will display those highlighted dates in either Day, Week or Month View, depending on the number of days chosen.

Visible Months (Below)

Selecting the Visible Months option will cause Advanced Scheduling Add-On to load into memory all appointments that fall within the range of visible days displayed within the multi-month control.  The currently displayed calendar will not change.

Disable Date Range Navigation Check Box

If Time Entries are being automatically loaded when the user navigates to different dates using any of the Calendar Views, then this check box can be ticked to cease that behavior.  Once at the desired date [range] is selected then the load and list button could then be selected to display any appointments that fall within that date period.

This option would only usually be required for use within large databases where application performance becomes an issue.

Note: See also Tools > Options Application > Data Tab > Advanced Data Loading Options, for more information.

There are five Calendar Sub-View options available to display appointments for selected day/s:

Day View

The times displayed in Calendar in Day View start at 12 am and finish at 12 pm.  You can not scroll outside a 24 Hour period.  You can adjust the displayed time slots by using the toolbar to move the Zoom tool, by picking the time slot increment from the drop down arrow, or by selecting Business Hours.

Multiple days can be selected in the day view by clicking and dragging on the multi-month calendar in the Navigation Pane, or by clicking on different days while the Ctrl button is depressed.

Week View

Seven days are displayed in two columns vertically with Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in the left hand side column and Thursday, Friday,  Saturday and Sunday in the right hand side column.  Saturday and Sunday are allocated half the amount of size that a weekday has.  Any 7 Day week from Monday to Sunday can be displayed in the week calendar when a Monday to Sunday is highlighted with the cursor within the visible Months of the Navigation Pane.

The Show Work Week buttons can be checked to only view Monday to Friday but will switch to Calendar Day View.

Month View

The Calendar Month is displayed for the current selected appointment or date.  The visible number of weeks can be increased or decreased by selecting the up and down arrows next to the View Control buttons.

Double clicking in a day within Month View or Week View will expand that day and change the view to Day View.

Timeline View

Displays the time/date range with time increments on a horizontal scale.  The time is infinite in both directions.

By default, the 'Fit Selected Resources' Option is set to on.  This automatically resizes and compresses the Resource Rows vertically to fit within the visible area of the timeline if possible.  If it is not possible to fit all resources on screen the a scroll bar is added to the right of the display window.

Summary View

Shows a summary of daily appointment information for each resource by using Search criteria including date, period or from a list of day / week / month options.   Once displayed, the search criteria can be further refined to list by Date or Resource, how values should be shown (Appointment count, Total Minutes, Total Hours, Utilization or Labor Billing) and which Resource types to display.

Shortcuts & Tips:

In Calendar View: CTRL > moves forward one day / week / month. CTRL < moves back one day / week / month.

In Day View, clicking on a date in the Visible Months Calendar then selecting SHIFT > picks up and adds subsequent days into view. SHIFT < picks up and adds previous days into view.

In Day View, clicking on a block of time and selecting SHIFT > moves the display to the next day. SHIFT < goes back a day

Broken days can be selected by CTRL + left clicking the particular days in the Visible Months on the Navigation Pane.