Statistics and History programs allow you to view information generated by the Day End Process and daily use of your Service Manager system.

Financial Statistics

Financial Statistics, or more correctly termed, Financial Distribution Statistics, are generated by Day End Processing and include Counts, Revenue, Cost, Gross Profit and performance indicators.

Statistics are maintained for many of the Setup records, including Sites, Equipment, Models, Class Types, Job Types, Employees, Work Groups, Phases, Services, and Marketing Information such as Market, Sector, Industry, Channel and Profile.

Statistics are recorded by Year and Period.

The program allows you to view this information in several formats based on Revenue, Cost or Gross Profit calculations.

It also presents totals for each group you choose to display.

This is a wonderful tool to compare accounting information across year and/or periods for Sites, Employees, Models, Equipment and any other statistics tracked by this program.

A key financial indicator in this program is Proportion Analysis. For instance, you can determine what percentage of your business each Customer has contributed as a proportion of your total business - handy for analyzing sales distribution according to the 80/20 rule, for example.


The general History program uses a customizable HTML file to present you with an Audit History in chronological order.

This file can be modified or substituted with other HTML files, however we recommend that only advanced HTML programmers edit or become involved with this process.

Because History uses an HTML file, it can be printed directly to a printer, saved and published to a website, or embedded in email.

There are many different record types that History can be viewed for, including Sites, Customers, Models, Equipment, Meters and Documents.

An Audit table is maintained recording information as tasks are performed in Service Manager. These tasks include: Site and Equipment Creation, Record Modifications and Deletions, Equipment Transfers, Document Entry and more.

Audit information can be filtered, e.g., it is possible to display only Items supplied to an Equipment record, or Notations relating to a Site record or Site Contact.

History can be chained to from many places within Service Manager, but particularly from within Document Entry.

Sales History

Day End Processing generates Sales History information from the Services and Items that have been sold in Service Manager.

The Sales History program allows you to inquire on this information by Year, Period, Customer, Service or Item and will present you with the financial and count details for the range selected.

Clear History

As time progresses, your Service Manager database naturally increases in size.

The Clear History program provides you with the function to optionally clear out old information being stored in Service Manager that is no longer relevant.

Clearing unnecessary data can provide enormous performance improvements in large databases in areas such as Finder controls and Reports, but is not essential or mandatory.

The Clear function includes old Invoices, Credit Notes, Historic Jobs, expired Quotations and Sales Orders, Commission information, Warranty Claims, Notations, Statistics, Site and Equipment Audit transactions, Day End G/L Posting Journals, Document Requests and Meter Readings.

Clearing in most cases is based on a specified date range.