This section outlines the steps to follow to set up a Service Manager system and explains the options you can select and data you should add during setup. This will help you create a system that takes full advantage of Service Manager's features and meets the company's current and future needs.

Read this section before setting up a new Service Manager system.

It is not possible to specify exactly how much time should be allowed for setting up a Service Manager system as each Customer can vary greatly in size, function and technical knowledge. For example, one installation may have 30,000 Customer/Site records and 60,000 Equipment records; another may not even use Equipment, but may have 5,000 Customer/Site records. One customer's staff may be very computer literate and another's may not be.

As a general rule, we recommend that you quote the following for setup and implementation of Service Manager:

Training of Technical Staff - responsible for the ongoing setup and maintenance of Service Manager - allow two days

Training of End Users – responsible for operating Service Manager on a day to day basis - allow three days

It may also be prudent to allow a little extra time for your first installation, and remember you may choose to implement the installation over several sessions over a period of time rather than in one consecutive week.

Before Commencing Service Manager Setup

Sage 300 modules

Sage 300 System Manager (including Bank and Tax Services), General Ledger, Accounts Receivable and Inventory Control must be correctly installed and activated.

Therefore, Payment Terms, Tax Groups, Customer Information, Item Price Lists, Item Locations, Item Account Sets, Item Categories, Bank, Tax and Currency records, Users, Security, General Ledger Account Codes, G/L Source Codes, etc., should already exist. (G/L Source Codes for Service Manager can be changed in G/L Integration.)

Refer to the relevant Sage 300 documentation for information about installing and setting up the Sage 300 modules required.

Service Manager

Service Manager must be correctly installed and activated. The Activation process initializes a new blank data set.

Setup Procedures

To ensure a successful setup, we recommend that you follow the check list in the order in which the tasks are presented as this will help eliminate relational references that have not yet been defined. However, if you choose a different order, you will still be able to complete a successful installation, but may have to return to some sections more than once to complete all entries in that section.

For example, if you started by setting up Work Groups before Employees, you would not be able to insert Employees into those Work Groups. You would have to go to Employee Setup to create Employees first and then revisit Work Group Setup to insert the Employees.


It is not compulsory to set up all Setup Programs within a section nor is it compulsory to set up all sections. For example, in V/M General, if you do not use Work Groups or Subcontractors, it is not necessary to create these tables.

Sites and Equipment can be created "on the fly" during data entry.