Launch Sage 300 and select the Company to set up

Start Service Manager

V/M General

Set up the company-wide Service Manager default processing Options


Under the Defaults tab you will not yet have set up Job Type, General Sale Type or Job Status. These can be left blank and filled in later.

Set up the company-wide Service Manager G/L Integration options


Most importantly, set up the default general ledger accounts. Refer to the Integration General, Integration WIP and Integration Cover tabs in G/L Integration.

Set up Custom Fields

Set up Class Types

Set up Employees

Set up Work Groups

Set up Services

Set up Job Phases

Set up Job Types

Set up Schedules

Set up Subcontractors

Set up Agreement Plans

Set up Ship Via codes

Set up Category Accounts

Set up Service Centers (if you are using the optional Service Manager Service Center Add-On)

Complete Company Options Setup

V/M Sites

Set up Site Profiles

Set up Site Contacts

V/M Equipment

Set up Equipment Models

Set up Equipment Items

Set up Meter Types

Set up Meters, including initializing Meter readings

Set up Item Relationships - link items of Inventory to Service Manager Models and/or Universal Product (Bar) Codes

V/M Faults

Set up Model Faults

Set up Fault Symptoms

Set up Fault Solutions

V/M Documents

Set up Templates
(Refer to the Templates section in the Service Manager User Guide for additional information.)

Set up Meter Agreement, Site Agreement and Warranty Agreement Contracts
(Refer to the Agreements section in the Service Manager User Guide for additional information.)

Add current Documents - Jobs, Sales and Quotations
(Refer to the Jobs, Sales Orders and Quotations sections in the Service Manager User Guide for additional information.)

V/M Reports / V/M Forms

Review Standard Forms
(Refer to the Reports » Forms section in the Service Manager User Guide for additional information.)