Search Functions

Search functions are available if you click the Search icon when no Document is displayed in Document Entry, i.e., the Document Entry window is blank.

A global search will be performed.

Find Site by Site Number, Primary Contact or Agreement Number

Find Equipment by Equipment Number, Serial Number and/or Site

Show all Equipment for the Site

View Equipment History or Graphic

Transfer Equipment to another Site

Search Custom Fields

Find Recent Documents by Zone

Find Document by Equipment Serial Number

Find Document by Invoice Number

Find Document by Field Form Number

Find Document by Equipment Lines, Service Lines or Item Lines

Find Document by by searching the Time Entry records

Find Document by Return Authorization (RA) Number

Edit Documents found by search in Document Entry

Create a Job, Sale, Quotation or Recurring Job directly from a search

There are numerous Finders located on these tabs which allow comprehensive searches to be executed. Once the criteria have been matched, you can create a new Document from a Template or standard procedures.

Find Transaction Functions

Find Transaction functions are available if you click the Search icon when a Document is displayed in Document Entry.

The search will be performed on the current Document.

Find Billing Lines with a Supply Quantity

Find Billing Lines that Will Post

Find Outstanding/Backorder Billing Lines

Find Null Billing Lines (Zero Sell and Cost)

Find Insufficient Stock Levels

Find Phases without Commission Employees specified

Using the Search icon in Document Entry

Open the Service Manager Document Entry Program

Click the Search icon


If no Document is displayed in Document Entry, the Search window will be displayed.

If a Document is displayed in Document Entry, the Find Transactions window will be displayed.

Search window

Criteria tab

You can search for Equipment by Equipment Number and/or Serial Number for all Sites or a particular Site. Type the Equipment Number in the Equipment Details field and/or the Equipment Serial Number in the Serial Number field. You can also use the Finders to locate Equipment.

Click [Search Custom Fields] to search Custom Fields.

Click [Clear] to blank out all fields on the Search window.

Press Tab to refresh the window details.


Site Details section

The Site Details section displays the Site description and Primary Contact details for the site.

Click [Custom] to view Custom Fields associated with the Site.

Click [View] to display a Graphic of the site Contact, if one exists.

Click [A/R Activity] to display A/R Customer Activity for the Customer.

Click [In-house Warranty] to display Jobs currently covered by In-house warranty.

Equipment Details section

The Equipment Details section provides Manufacturer, Model, Description, Warranty information, Purchase details and Equipment Record Number allocated in Service Manager.

Click the View Site Equipment icon to display details of all Equipment at the Site.

Click [Transfer] to transfer the Equipment to another Site. Refer Transferring Equipment.

Click [Custom] to view Custom Fields associated with the Equipment.

Click [View] to display a Graphic of the Equipment, if one exists.

Click [History] to display Equipment History.

Click [Maintenance] to display Advanced Maintenance details for the Equipment. The Advanced Maintenance Add-On Maintenance Setup window will be displayed with the Equipment highlighted and the Loading tab selected.

Note: Maintenance Details are only available for Equipment if the optional Service Manager Advanced Maintenance Add-On is installed.

Available Agreements section

The Available Agreements section displays any existing Agreement covering this Equipment and allows you to view any other Agreements that may be associated with the Equipment.

Create New section

The Create New section allows you to create a new Job, Sale, Quotation, or Recurring Job directly from this window. Tick the From Template check box if you want to create the Document from a Template, and specify the Template to use - type the Template Number or use the Finder. Click [Add].

Recent Documents tab

Click the Recent Documents tab.

Type or select the Zone and enter the maximum number of Documents to list (0=All) in the Limit List To field.

Tick the Equipment Documents Only check box to find only those documents that contain Equipment.

Click Go .

All Documents that meet the specified criteria will be displayed in the Search Result pane.

Double-click a Document to display it in Document Entry.

Click [Search Custom Fields] to search Custom Fields.

Other tab

Click the Other tab.

Search will locate Documents by Equipment Serial Number, Invoice Number, Field Form Number, Equipment Line, Service Line or Item Line. Documents can also be located by searching the Time Entry records using a standard Sage 300 Finder.

The Document that matches the specified criteria will be displayed in the Related Document field.

Click [Edit] to display the Document in Document Entry.

Click [Search Custom Fields] to search Custom Fields.

Return Authorization tab

Click the Return Authorization tab.

Type or select the Return Authorization (RA) Number to search for.

All Documents that match the selected RA will be displayed in the Search Result pane.

Double-click a Document to display it in Document Entry.

Click [Search Custom Fields] to search Custom Fields.

Find Transactions window

Select the required options and then click [Accept].

Lines in the Document tree that match the selected criteria will be highlighted in yellow.

Click to expand image

It is possible to place all highlighted lines on Hold. To do this, right-click on any line in the Document tree that a Hold can apply to and then select Hold Lines » Hold Highlighted Lines.

Related Topics

Job Phase Functions » Hold Lines

Services » Hold Lines

Inventory Items » Hold Lines