You can specify what users can see and do when they use Service Manager.

Service Manager Security is implemented using Sage 300 Security Groups and User Authorizations. Refer to the Sage 300 System Manager User Guide for additional information on how to configure Sage 300 Security.

The use of Service Manager Security is optional.

Sage 300 Application Security

Service Manager security can only be implemented if Sage 300 application security has been enabled for the Company.

To enable security for the Company, from the Windows start menu, select All Programs » Sage Accpac » Database Setup. The Sign-on window will be displayed.

Type the Administrator Password and then click [OK]. The Database Setup window will be displayed.

Highlight the relevant System Database and then click [Edit]. The Database Profile window will be displayed.

Tick the Enable application security check box and then click [OK]. The Database Setup window will be displayed. Click [Exit].

Service Manager Security

Service Manager security is implemented using Sage 300 Security Groups and User Authorizations.

Service Manager security consists of two actions:

1.Set up one or more Security Groups that contain the required access.

2.Apply the Security Group(s) to Users, i.e., User Authorizations.

Security Groups

Security Groups are set up in Administrative Services » Security Groups.

Click . The Security Groups window will be displayed.

Select the Technisoft Service Manager Application.

Select an existing Security Group ID or create a new Security Group.

Grant access to the required Service Manager functions - tick the relevant check boxes.

Click [Add] or [Save], whichever is shown.

Click [Close] once you have set up all the Security Groups.

Security Options


Access to a program function also means access to a related report.

Security Option

Access Granted

Setup - General Options

Grants access to V/M Setup » V/M General, but does not include Options, Employees, Work Groups and Services. (Includes V/M Setup » V/M Equipment » Item Relationships.)

Setup - Employees

Allows access to V/M Setup » V/M General, Employees and Work Groups.

Setup - Equipment

Allows access to all of V/M Setup » V/M Equipment except Item Relationships.

Setup - Services

Allows access to V/M Setup » V/M General » Services.

Setup - Sites

Allows access to all of V/M Setup » V/M Sites. The V/M Sites menu disappears if not granted.

Setup - Misc/Utilities

Allows access to V/M Setup » V/M General » Options, V/M Setup » V/M General » G/L Integration and everything in V/M Utilities.

Custom Fields - Allow edit of Secured Fields

Allows entry on Custom Fields that are set up as Security Enabled. Security Enabled Custom Fields will not be visible if you do not have Secure Custom Fields enabled.

General - Import Processing

Allows Import.

General - Export Processing

Allows Export.

Document Entry - Allow

Allows access in Document Entry to Projects, Copy, Posting Schedules, Multi Post, Document Query, Posting Inquiry, Adjust Pricing, Job Manager, Time Manager, Notation Manager, Return Authorizations, Fault Analyzer and Monitor.

Document Entry - Job Entry

Allows entry to Jobs. If not granted, will be display only mode.

Document Entry - Sales Entry

Allows entry to Sales. If not granted, will be display only mode.

Document Entry - Quotation Entry

Allows entry to Quotes. If not granted, will be display only mode.

Document Entry - Template Entry

Allows entry to Templates. If not granted, will be display only mode.

Document Entry - Site Agreement Entry

Allows entry to Site Agreements. If not granted, will be display only mode.

Document Entry - Meter Agreement Entry

Allows entry to Meter Agreements. If not granted, will be display only mode.

Document Entry - Warranty Agreement Entry

Allows entry to Warranty Agreements. If not granted, will be display only mode.

Document Entry - Historic Jobs View

Allows inquiry on Historic Jobs.

Document Entry - Document Deletion

Allow the user to delete a Document in Service Manager.

Document Entry - Setup Options

Allows access to the Document Entry Options. The Tools menu, Options item disappears in Document Entry if not granted.

Document Entry - Change Item Location

Use this security setting to restrict users from changing the Item Location in Document Entry. If the Location is blank, however, the user will be allowed to specify a value.


If you use security then this option must be added for each user if you wish to allow them to change the Item Location.

Document Entry - Change Entered By Details

If the user does not have access to this security level, Employee/User code on several forms will be disabled. These include:

"Entered By" Employee in Notations

"Entered By" Employee in Document Header

"Entered By" Employee in Posting Schedules

"Entered By" Employee in Multi Post

Entered By Employee in Quick Document Entry

"Posted By" Employee when generating Jobs from Advanced Maintenance Worksheet Manager

"Entered By" Employee in Return Authorization Header

"Posted By" Employee when posting Invoices, etc.

Document Entry - Billing Entry

If you do not have this you cannot enter/insert Items and Services.

Document Entry - Item Line Entry

If not set, then the user will not be able to edit Item lines on Documents.

Document Entry - Service Line Entry

If not set, then the user will not be able to edit Service lines on Documents.

Document Entry - Allow Price List Change

If not set, then the user will not be able to modify the Price Lists for Service and Item lines in Documents or select the "Other" Price List option in Copy Documents

Document Entry - Allow Item Category Change

If not set, then the user will not be able to modify the Item Category for Item Lines

Document Entry - Post Cost Adjustments

If not set then the user will not be able to post cost adjustments

Document Entry - Budget Editing

If the user does not have access to this security setting, that user will not be able to Edit Budget (i.e., right-click Phase and select Edit Budget), or edit the original estimates when selecting properties on a Service or Item detail line.

Document Entry - Allow Unit Price Override

Allows operator to change unit price in Service or Detail Lines, otherwise uses defaults as set in various options.

Document Entry - Show Costs

Will display costs and profit analysis in the Totals tab, as well as any Custom Fields that have costs or Service and Item detail lines that include costs.

Document Entry - Non-SC Employees

If you do not have this and you use Service Centers, you will only be able to insert billing for employees that match the Service Center of the Document.

Document Entry - Unprotect Billing

Billing protection is on all billing lines, but managed at Document level. There is a check box on the Setup tab of the Document. This check box can only be cleared if the user has Unprotect Billing authorization. If not, a form will pop up requesting authorization to unprotect the Document. Any user who has Unprotect Billing authorization for the current Company, can unprotect the Document. That user must type his/her User ID and Password and then click [Accept] to continue.

Copy Documents - Allow

Check this option to allow users the right to use the Copy Documents program.

Projects - Allow creation of new Projects

Check this option to allow users the right to create new Projects in Service Manager.

Projects - Allow Project modifications

Check this option to allow users the right to modify existing Projects in Service Manager.

Credit Checking - Allow Document Entry

This security option applies in two cases:

1.If the Document Entry option Check Customer Credit Status on Document Load, is ticked.

If the user does not have Allow Doc. Entry Credit Approval set, then whenever the user opens a Document or creates a new Document, the Customer Check Approval form will be displayed with two fields at the bottom of the form: Authorized by and Password. To be able to edit the Document, the User ID and Password of a user who has Allow Doc. Entry Credit Approval set, must be entered.

If the user closes the Customer Check Approval form when editing a Document, the Document will be displayed in read-only mode.

If the user closes the Customer Check Approval form when creating a new Document, the Document will not be created.

2.A user requires the Allow Doc. Entry Credit Approval level of security to be able to adjust the Customer Billing options for Terms, Tax Group and Price List in the header of a document.

Credit Checking - Allow Document Postings

The user must have this security option enabled to be able to post an invoice if the customer has exceeded their credit limit value. If the user does not have this security option enabled, the Customer Check Approval form will be displayed with two fields at the bottom of the form: Authorized by and Password. To be able to post the invoice, the User ID and Password of a user who has Allow Post Credit Approval enabled, must be entered.

Posting - Invoices

Allows access to Posting Schedules and Multi Post. Enables the Invoice tab when posting an Invoice in Document Entry. Also allows Historic Jobs to be moved to Current.

Posting - Cost Only

Allows access to V/M Posting Schedules, Multi Post, Adjust Pricing. Enables the Cost Only tab when posting Cost Entry in Document Entry.

Posting - Credit Notes

Allows access to Posting Schedules and Multi Post. Enables the Credit Note tab when posting in Document Entry.

Posting - Allow Held Customer Posting

Allows you to post Invoices, Credit Notes, etc., for customers that are on hold in Accounts Receivable.

Posting - Payment Remittance

When posting an Invoice, the Remittance tab will be visible and you can post a remittance.

Processing - Day End

Allows access to Day End Processing.

Processing - WIP Revenue and Expenses Recognition

Allows access to Post WIP documents

Processing - Meters/Maintenance

Allows access to Site, Equipment and Meter Maintenance.

Processing - Clear History

Allows access to V/M Statistics and History » Clear History.

Quick Document Entry - Allow

Allows access to Quick Document Entry.

Quick Document Entry - Include Jobs not Assigned to User

If this is not set then the user will only see their own Jobs.

Advanced Maintenance - Setup

Allows access to Advanced Maintenance Setup if using the Service Manager Advanced Maintenance Add-On.

Advanced Maintenance - Processing

Allows access to Advanced Maintenance Processing if using the Service Manager Advanced Maintenance Add-On.

Document Requests - Allow

Allows access to the Request Manager.

History - Show History and Statistics

Allows access to all the other V/M Statistics and History programs.

Inquiry - General

Allows the user to

Inquiry - Transaction

Can use the Posting Inquiry program to look up Invoices, Credit Notes, Cost Only entries that have been posted in the system.

Inquiry - View Employees GPS

Allows the user to see the GPS location stamped by employees

Faults - Allow access to Fault Management

Allows access to Fault Analyzer.

RA - Allow access to Return Authorization Management

Allows access to Return Authorizations.

Online Menu - Allow

Allows access to Event Manager and Synchronize Outlook programs. The Online menu disappears if not granted.

Notations - Notation Management

Allows access to Notation Manager.

Notations - Allow edit of ALL Notations

If not set, then the user can only edit Notations if they are the  "Entered By" Employee. This is for the Notation Text field only. The same test is done in Document Entry on the Details tab for Notations.

Purchasing - Requisition Entry

Allows entry of Purchase Requisitions.

Purchasing - Requisition Post

Allows Posting of Requisitions or Purchase Orders to Sage 300 Purchase Orders.

Reports - Document Reports

Allows access to all Document reports and forms.

Reports - Transaction Reports

Allows access to all Transaction reports.

Reports - Resource Reports

Allows access to the Time Entry Summary Report.

Resources - Allow Resource Management

Allows access to Job Manager, Time Manager and Monitor.

Resources - Allow edit of ALL Time Entries

Allows edit of Time Entries anywhere in Service Manager. To provide access to the Time Entry Grid only, clear this option and tick the Time Entry Grid option.

Resources - Allow deletion of Time Entries

Allows the user to delete time entries.

Resources - Show Time Recorder

Displays the Time Recorder program on the V/M Management menu.

Resources - Use Time Entry Grid

Use this option to provide access to Time Entry without providing access to the other Resource Management programs.

Resources - User can see everyone's Jobs

This option allows the User to see Jobs that have been assigned to other Users

The following is a list of Service Manager programs and their respective Security Options:

Service Manager program

Security Option


Document Entry

Document Entry - Allow


Document Entry - Allow

Agreement Setup

Document Entry - Allow

Copy Documents

Document Entry - Allow

Posting Schedules

Document Entry - Allow and
Posting - Invoices and
Posting - Credit Notes and
Posting - Cost Only

Multi Post

Document Entry - Allow and
Posting - Invoices and
Posting - Credit Notes and
Posting - Cost Only

Document Query

Document Entry - Allow

Posting Inquiry

Document Entry - Allow or
Inquiry - Transaction

Adjust Pricing

Document Entry - Allow and
Posting - Cost Only

Quick Document Entry

Quick Document Entry - Allow

Request Manager

Document Requests - Allow


Job Manager

Document Entry - Allow or
Resources - Allow Resource Management

Time Entry

Document Entry - Allow or
Resources - Allow Resource Management

Time Manager

Document Entry - Allow or
Resources - Allow Resource Management

Time Recorder

Resources - Show Time Recorder

Notation Manager

Document Entry - Allow or

Notations - Notation Management

Return Authorizations

Document Entry - Allow and
RA - Allow access to Return Authorization Management

Fault Analyzer

Document Entry - Allow or
Faults - Allow access to Fault Management


Document Entry - Allow or
Resources - Allow Resource Management

Search Custom Fields

Custom Fields - Allow edit of Secured Fields

Task Manager

Inquiry - Transaction

Job Budgets

Document Entry - Budget Editing


Event Manager

Online Menu - Allow

Synchronize Outlook

Online Menu - Allow

Periodic Processing

Meter Processing

Processing - Meters/Maintenance

Basic Maintenance

Processing - Meters/Maintenance

Day End Processing

Processing - Day End

Create G/L Batch

Processing - Day End

Clear History

Processing - Clear History


Requisition Manager

Purchasing - Requisition Entry

Auto Create Requisitions

Purchasing - Requisition Post

Requisition List

Reports - Document Reports

Document Reports

Document List

Reports - Document Reports or
Inquiry - Transaction

Posting List

Reports - Document Reports or
Inquiry - Transaction

Aged Documents

Reports - Document Reports or
Inquiry - Transaction

Outstanding Entries

Reports - Document Reports or
Inquiry - Transaction

Item Reconciliation

Reports - Document Reports or
Inquiry - Transaction

Work in Progress

Reports - Document Reports or
Inquiry - Transaction

Posting Schedule List

Reports - Document Reports or
Inquiry - Transaction

Agreement Listing

Reports - Document Reports or
Inquiry - Transaction

Agreement Summary

Reports - Document Reports or
Inquiry - Transaction

Notation List

Reports - Document Reports or
Inquiry - Transaction or
Notations - Notation Management

Overhead / Burden List

Reports - Document Reports or
Inquiry - Transaction

Project Listing

Reports - Document Reports or
Inquiry - Transaction

Payment Summary

Reports - Document Reports or
Inquiry - Transaction

Job Summary

Reports - Document Reports or
Inquiry - Transaction

Posting Summary

Reports - Document Reports or
Inquiry - Transaction

Job Analysis

Reports - Document Reports

Job Listing

Reports - Document Reports

Employee Reports

Time Entry Summary

Reports - Document Reports or
Reports - Resource Reports

Time Entry Totals

Reports - Document Reports or
Reports - Resource Reports


Reports - Transaction Reports

Employee Activity

Reports - Transaction Reports

Employee Summary

Reports - Transaction Reports

Billing Variance

Reports - Transaction Reports

Response Tracking Variance

Reports - Transaction Reports

Equipment Reports


Reports - Document Reports

Equipment Listing

Reports - Document Reports or
Inquiry - General

Equipment Summary

Reports - Document Reports or
Inquiry - General

Equipment Billings

Reports - Document Reports or
Inquiry - General

Meter Types

Setup - General Options

Meter Worksheet

Reports - Document Reports or
Inquiry - General

Basic Maintenance Results

Processing - Meters/Maintenance

Item Relationships

Reports - Document Reports

Equipment Task Listing

Reports - Document Reports or
Inquiry - Transaction

Fault Reports

Fault Listing

Reports - Document Reports or
Faults - Allow access to Fault Management

Symptom Listing

Reports - Document Reports or
Faults - Allow access to Fault Management

Symptom Listing

Reports - Document Reports or
Faults - Allow access to Fault Management

Fault Registrations

Reports - Document Reports or
Faults - Allow access to Fault Management


Customer Confirmation

Document Entry - Allow or
Reports - Document Reports

Work Order

Document Entry - Allow or
Reports - Document Reports

Equipment Labels

Document Entry - Allow or
Reports - Document Reports

Return Authorization

Document Entry - Allow or
Reports - Document Reports


Document Entry - Allow or
Reports - Document Reports

Consolidated Invoices

Document Entry - Allow or
Reports - Document Reports

Credit Notes

Document Entry - Allow or
Reports - Document Reports


Document Entry - Allow or
Reports - Document Reports

Shipping Label

Document Entry - Allow or
Reports - Document Reports

Picking Slip

Document Entry - Allow or
Reports - Document Reports

Agreement Contract

Document Entry - Allow or
Reports - Document Reports

Transaction Reports

G/L Posting Journals

Reports - Transaction Reports

G/L Transactions

Reports - Transaction Reports

Sales History

Reports - Transaction Reports

Sales Activity

Reports - Transaction Reports

Warranty Claims

Reports - Transaction Reports

Amortization Schedules

Reports - Transaction Reports

Pricing Adjustment Audit

Reports - Transaction Reports and
Document Entry - Allow and
Posting - Cost Only

Setup and associated Reports


Setup - Equipment


Setup - Equipment

Meter Types

Setup - Equipment


Setup - Equipment

Basic Maintenance

Setup - Equipment

Item Relationships

Setup - General Options or
Inquiry - General

Auto Create Equipment

Setup - Equipment


Setup - General Options


Setup - General Options


Setup - General Options


Setup - Misc/Utilities

Custom Fields

Setup - General Options

Class Types

Setup - General Options


Setup - Employees

Work Groups

Setup - Employees


Setup - Services

Job Phases

Setup - General Options

Job Types

Setup - General Options


Setup - General Options


Setup - General Options

Agreement Plans

Setup - General Options

Ship Via

Setup - General Options


Setup - General Options

Category Accounts

Setup - Sites

G/L Integration

Setup - Misc/Utilities

Site Profile

Setup - Sites

Site Contacts

Setup - Sites

Auto Create Sites

Setup - Sites

Statistics and History

Financial Statistics

Inquiry - Transaction

Job Statistics

History - Show History and Statistics


History - Show History and Statistics

Sales History

History - Show History and Statistics



Setup - Misc/Utilities

Fix I/C Quantities

Setup - Misc/Utilities

Custom Field Integrity

Setup - Misc/Utilities


Setup - Misc/Utilities


Setup - Misc/Utilities



Model Unit Costs

Processing - Meters/Maintenance and
Document Entry - Show Costs

User Authorizations

Once you have set up the Security Group(s) containing the access rules, you need to assign the Security Group(s) to Service Manager Users.

User Authorizations are set up in Administrative Services, User Authorizations.

Click . The User Authorizations window will be displayed.

Select the User to assign the Service Manager Security Group to.

Select the Technisoft Service Manager Application.

Click the Group ID Finder. The Finder window will be displayed listing available Security Groups.

Highlight the required Security Group and then click [Select]. The selected Security Group will be shown in the User Authorizations window.