The Management programs allow you to manage information collected in your Service Manager database.

Time Entry

The Time Entry program is a grid based time sheet entry program that allows fast input of Resource Actuals into the system. The grid based display allows you to move quickly between entries and add new entries and edit existing entries easily.

Time Manager

Time Manager is similar to a Time Sheet entry program as it allows you to manage time spent on Jobs in the system without actually having to enter a Job.

You can create new and find existing Time Entries and post these Time Entries in batch to their allocated Jobs for billing purposes. Time Manager is particularly useful for aggregating time entries to a point in time (e.g., a payroll end of week) and then retrieving those time entries to all associated Jobs, via a batch posting, without having to enter each Job individually. It is then possible to use the Multi Post program to post all these retrieved entries in batch as well.

There are comprehensive import/export functions available in Time Manager.

Time Recorder

Service Manager provides a function whereby time recordings can be retrieved into a Job for both billing and costing purposes. This useful tool is ideally used as a stopwatch.

Technical support over the phone is no longer a problem. Simply start the recorder, stop the recorder and this information is stored in Time Manager. The Document Entry system can now retrieve this information and create a Billing Group with support charges associated with it.

Notation Manager

Notations are general comments, instructions or notes that can be applied throughout Service Manager.

Notation Manager allows you to view, update or add new notations at any time.

Notation Manager is a powerful Customer Relationship Management tool.

Return Authorizations

Return Authorizations (RAs) are tracking documents generally used to return Equipment requiring service from your Customer to your Service Company or from your Service Company to the Equipment Vendor/Manufacturer.

A CRA is a Customer Return Authorization; an VRA is a Vendor Return Authorization. A CRA can only have that customer's Equipment on it. A VRA can have many customers' Equipment on it going back to the one vendor/manufacturer.

RAs can be maintained via the Document Entry program or directly off the desktop using the Return Authorizations program.

RAs include: Statuses, Shipment Details, General Comments, Vendor details, Equipment and Model information, Notations, Material Requests and source Document details.

Fault Analyzer

The Fault Analyzer is a comprehensive help desk tool that allows you to find information by Symptom, Fault, Solution or Model or any combination thereof.

Powerful filtering tools help you to find information quickly and existing registrations logged in the Fault Analyzer provide a knowledge base of information at your fingertips.

Use this tool to search for common problems or list any solutions used in the past to rectify a particular fault.

There are comprehensive import/export functions available in Fault Analyzer to enable you to load Manufacturer specifications if required.


The Monitor program allows you to proactively manage Time Entry Alarms or Notation Follow-Ups that are due for action.

It is suggested that on a daily basis, Monitor be loaded and minimized on the desktop when first entering Service Manager. This will ensure that warnings for Alarms and Notations are received in advance.

Search Custom Fields

This is a utility program designed to search Custom Fields by selection criteria over the entire database. Search for Custom Fields associated with Sites, Models, Employees, Solutions, Projects, Documents, Subcontractors, Notations and Return Authorizations.

Task Manager

The Task Manager allows managers to quickly review, update or query Task statuses and allows Employees to complete Tasks without necessarily going into the Job system, depending on security settings.

Job Budgets

The Budget Editor allows you to manage the Original or Current budget for a Job.